Wednesday 30 January 2013

Why Some Human Being Think Negatively?


I face many situations with negative people. One of their characteristics is: always spilling out bad words. They can never speak nicely especially in such nerve wrecking or emotional situation. They can never think positively (no husnus dzhon) towards other people.

The positive people are 180 degree different. They don't spill bad words, when they talk, they only say good words. When they see bad things happening around, they will only look up for positive points. 

From Dr Muhaya, how do we handle this negative people are:

1. Don't take to heart what they are saying, because those words spilled out are really from the bottom of their heart. Negative words come out from negative mind.

2. You can choose either to let their emotion to affect your thinking or not. No one will hurt you unless you allow it. 

3. Pray for them.

These negative people are pathetic (sorry to say but they really are). Because they don't know how to make this world a happy place for them. How are you going to seek for His love if you don't ever know that this world is a blessing? How do you find people around you are sent by Allah to cheer you up if you always have the negative thinking inside your head? 

People with negative thinking are used to say that all people around me are annoying, the world is being cruel, yet the only one who can make you the happiest is yourself, how you're thinking. Ask Allah to give you the big thinking, understanding about yourself. 

You can't force people to love you, but you can make people love you.


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