Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sulking: Doesn't Convey Your Obejctives

Salam alaik.

Someone asked me yesterday, if I prefer a man who can console me every time I sulk.

The answer isn't "I don't" , clearly because a man who can console his lady is cool.

But it is not the definite quality that I look up for. Reason being: I do not sulk easily.

When I was a kid, I sulked every time someone made me offended. And I realized, I was offended and I needed them to say 'sorry' and appreciate me more.

That is absolutely not happening.

I believe (till today) that if I want something, I need to speak up. Do not sulk because silence will not bring anything cheering you up.

In the case of man-woman relationship:

WOMAN: conversation is a method of building tighter relationship. That's why silence means friction among the girls.
MAN: conversation is used to convey the facts and information. Men are completely fine during silence.

So it's better if the wife doesn't have what she needs from the husband, then talk to the husband wisely and honestly, just to make the husband understand the wife more in a better way. Sulking may brings different means to different men. Just like my brother: he doesn't console his girlfriend every time she pulls a face, turning the phone off, ignoring the calls. He says not a single word, until the sister finally cured herself. (Aigoooo)

But I've seen my senior, who tries to console his wife every time she is sulking, even over the small matters.

Sometimes, when a person realizes (general people, not limited to boys-girl relationship) he/she makes a mistake to me, and I do not feel anything (yet not clueless) over the matter, it gives him/her more scarier thought. People may think that I am keeping all the bad feelings inside and not to spill it out, and explode real good one day.

That applies for all human being, not specifically to me. If you really think big and positive, you may not feeling anything over small matters, and be able to control your composure when something big happens.

I realize sulking isn't the best way to have his attention.

If you want attention, then give attention to him first. You'll be paid for what you give.

If you want love, then give love first. (How to get the love at the first place? Allah.)


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